Truly Blessed Adoption Ministry is a ministry of Faith Bible Church

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bring Me Hope

Friday, January 11th 7pm
Faith Bible Church office


We have a special guest speaker, Miranda Robinson, visiting us from Iowa!
 She will be sharing with us about the work of Bring Me Hope Foundation with orphans in China.

Bring Me Hope Foundation's mission is: To meet Chinese orphans' four greatest needs - God's love, families, education and medical care - through a combination of summer camps and year- round programs to raise awareness and deliver hope when and where it's needed most.

Bryan and Jodi Anderson's son, Hagan, was blessed to be involved in their summer camp last year.  The photos of love being showered on him are priceless!

Come and hear what Bring Me Hope is doing in China!

Friday, November 23, 2012

The gift of a goat!

I admit,
I am a city girl.

I have never milked a goat.

In fact, 
I usually don't even think about where my milk comes from - 
I just run to the grocery store 
at my convenience and my children's needs are met!

But a goat to families in Ethiopia -
can and does change their lives!

Through our friends at Project Hopeful FIG Awassa
you too can share with some beautiful 

 Our friends, Greg and Charisa have set up a paypal on their blog 
specifically to purchase a goat (referred to as a sheep in Ethiopia)

Friday, November 16, 2012

A Shared Burden

Last Sunday was when we were able to 
share Orphan Sunday with our congregation.

We were able to launch Truly Blessed Adoption Ministry.

Selinda was able to share the mission of Truly Blessed
and challenge us as to what are we doing for the orphan.
Jodi shared her story of how God called 
her family to Hagan and Griggs.

Pastor Brad Banks shared a wonderful message -
challenging us to 
ask God 
- what am I to do?

You are welcome to listen to this podcast of 
Pastor Brad 

Take 23 minutes to hear what Brad shared,
you wont be sorry!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Orphan Sunday

This Sunday, November 11th,
we will be sharing the need of the 
147+ million orphans. 

Please join us at Faith Bible Church
and we ask God -

How do you want me to care for the orphan?

6100 Glen Oaks Drive

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Craft Bazaar!

Our First Annual Craft Bazaar! 

This November 10th we will be hosting our
first craft Bazaar!

2417 Virginia Pkwy
McKinney, TX 75071

10am - 4pm

Our goal is that every year the funds raised 
through vendor booth rental fee's and a few
specific booths with go to a specified adoptive family.

This year, 
proceeds will be going to the Anderson family.

They are in the process of their 5th and 6th adoption
within 6 years. 

They are taking a leap of FAITH as God has called them to
bring home these two sweet boys. 

The entire family is excited to bring their sons/brothers home

Friday, October 5, 2012

Women's Book study

Hey y'all -
we want to invite y'all to join us as we go through the Created to Connect study by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Michael and Amy Monroe.

Thursday, October 18th 10:30am - 12:30pm

This is study is designed to help parents better understand the challenges and needs of "children form hard places". 
This study guide, along with The Connected Child book, can better equip parents to love serve, and care for the children that God has brought into our lives, whether through adoption or foster care.

This will be a great way to share our experiences with others and offer support and encouragement as we face the challenges and the blessings that we encounter while on this journey.

There are 12 chapters in The Connected Child book.  We will cover two chapters per week. 
The entire study will only take 7 weeks, and we will be finished by December 6th.

**You will need to purchase your books or download the study from the Empowered to Connect website:

Dates of our study:
Oct 18th - Intro and get-to-know-you time
Oct 25th - Chapters 1-2
Nov 1st - Chapters 3-4
Nov 8th - Chapters 5-6
Nov 15th - Chapters 7-8
Thanksgiving Holiday
Nov 29th - Chapter 9 -10
Dec 6th - Chapter 11-12 and Brunch!

For location please email:

Welcome to Truly Blessed Adoption Ministry blog!

Believing that God commands the church to serve the orphan.  Truly Blessed Adoption Ministry is here to encourage others by sharing God’s heart for the fatherless.  We are committed to advocating for those without a voice and encouraging God’s people to help the orphan.
 Along with advocating for God’s precious treasures we also focus on supporting, educating and connecting with families who have been touched by the miracle of adoption and foster care, as God leads them on their unique parenting journey.